Image description: A group of women in hiking gear stand together surveying the scenery from a rocky mountain path. “Women have moved mountains in science. Yet we represent only 10% of the peak.” / « Les femmes ont déplacé des montagnes. Pourtant elles ne représentent que 10% “du pic”. » Inset photograph of myself and my penguin plushie, Herman, with our hands raised to signify that we choose to challenge gender inequities.
Each year, March 8th marks International Women's Day, reminding us to celebrate women, raise awareness of gender issues, and develop action items we can execute as individuals and as communities to advocate for a fairer, more inclusive cultural landscape across the globe. This is a day when stories, resources, and statements supporting gender equity are shared in large volumes on social media. However, our work does not end with March 8th.
The 2021 theme for International Women's Day is #ChooseToChallenge. What barriers to gender equity will you commit to challenging on a consistent basis? Actions of all sizes are needed, whether that means encouraging and amplifying women's voices during work meetings, calling out or calling in sexist "jokes" made by friends or family members, inviting more women to speak at academic conferences, raising money for gender equity initiatives, or working to change discriminatory infrastructure within our organisations. We each have the power to contribute to positive change in our own way—and it takes all of us!
If you're looking for inspiration, you can check out 28 Cold Hard Gender Facts assembled by previous cohorts of Homeward Bound participants. Today, I'll highlight a few of these gender facts (with links to further details):
#16: The pay-gap is amplified by intersectional inequities.
#23: The playing field isn't level for all women.
#26: Discrimination is greater for Black and minority ethnic, and LGBTQ+ women.
I #ChooseToChallenge these by continuing to learn, listen to, and believe the intersectional experiences of women, and to develop ways I can advocate for the most vulnerable among us. I hope that the training I undergo through Homeward Bound over the next year will better equip me to empower myself and others.
Happy International Women's Day and let us move forward stronger together!