I’m a scientist, engineer, and emerging leader and I need your help tackling two major global sustainability challenges: gender inequity and climate change.
I've joined an incredible group of women in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine) from around the world to participate in HB6, the 6th cohort of the Homeward Bound leadership program voyaging to Antarctica!
During this program, #TeamHB6 undergoes 11+ months of virtual leadership training, followed by 1 month of in-person training culminating in a sea voyage to Antarctica! Against this incredible backdrop, we'll build confidence, skills, tools, and collaborations empowering us to increase the influence and impact of underrepresented genders in STEMM and advance sustainability within our communities for years to come.
Learn how you can support my journey here!
Together, we can work toward lasting positive change.
Land Acknowledgement
I reside in Tio’tia:ke (Montréal) on unceded traditional territory belonging to the Kanien’kehá:ka, one of the six nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. I respect the connection between the Kanien’kehá:ka and the lands and waters on which I have built my life. Living in a region where the effects of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent, I recognise that Indigenous voices are largely and deliberately excluded from discussions and decision-making about our planet. Furthermore, many Indigenous communities are disproportionately vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change, such as worsening food insecurity.
In joining the Homeward Bound program, one of my goals is to reflect on Indigenous representation and knowledge both within the program’s structure and more broadly within STEMM. Meaningful conversations and effective collaborations for global sustainability are limited without the equitable involvement of women and Two-Spirit people from the many diverse and vibrant Indigenous communities around the world. Whether or not we work in STEMM, I encourage all of us to consider the ways in which we can advocate for genuine inclusion in our professional and personal spheres.
Language Acknowledgement
I recognise that this website is written in the English language, which may not be the first language of all visitors. I am happy to receive any questions or suggestions regarding the clarity of the content through my contact form.